A collection of some of my art. More to come!
Self Portrait, 2019
Before creating this self portrait, I first drew myself realistically using pencil. I had been trying to find my own artistic style and decided to try using a mixture of hard and soft charcoal to create a more unique representation of myself. The result is a stylized version with certain aspects emphasized – at the time, I had been feeling consistently exhausted (likely due to a recent concussion), hence the dark circles under the eyes and sunken cheeks. Furthermore, as I had been recovering from said concussion, I wanted to depict the mess going on inside my head, with a miniature me (the one before the concussion) getting wrapped up in the mess.
The background only says one repeating line: “another day another headache. i ain’t got time to waste”. On my way to class one day, I had a massive headache, which annoyed me as I felt that I could not be productive and get anything done. I recognized the fragility of being human and was mad at myself for having a concussion due to my own carelessness.
Despite everything going on inside my head, my facial expression is calm. I have a tendency to hold in things that are bothering me so that I do not become a burden to others. Even when I had a concussion, I told all my friends that I was feeling fine and laughed about the situation. While that is my way of coping, I wanted to show the contrast between the two in my self portrait.
I had been playing with the idea of someone being surrounded by noise for quite some time – this piece came before the one above. In this piece, the girl is feeling washed out and as a result is faded compared to the bright colors surrounding her. Despite how she is feeling, her mouth is covered by the same colors, showing the need to fit into everything going on around you. Rather than saying how she truly feels, she conforms.
I created this comic with a hint of sarcasm after finding out that Barnett Newman’s “Onement VI” sold for $43.8 million. I found it fascinating that a modern yet simple piece (a blue canvas with a white stripe) could sell for millions.